Episode Summary

In this episode, Coach Brian Johnson shares his personal story about losing and regaining weight multiple times, and how he finally broke free from that cycle by learning to tune into his emotions. 

We dive into the fundamentals of nutrition and fitness, the importance of body awareness and self-discipline, and how transforming your life begins with making mindful lifestyle choices. Brian offers valuable insights on overcoming fear, embracing feelings, and mastering self-improvement through effective communication.

Don't miss this inspiring conversation on the impact of food, feelings, and finances on our lives, and learn how prioritizing wellness and developing unshakable habits can lead to a thriving, fulfilling life.

Key Topics

  • Understanding the effect of our emotions on our physical body
  • Why diet and exercise alone aren't enough to create lasting weight loss
  • The importance of self-love and self-compassion
  • Understanding your body's signals
  • The power of your thoughts and the language you use

Quotes We Loved

  • "Understanding our emotions as action blueprints and learning to listen to our bodies can lead to better results." - Brian Johnson
  • "Food, feelings, and finances can be used to take control of our lives and thrive." - Brian Johnson
  • "Forgiveness is an important part of the process and recommitting to our health program is key to staying on track." - Brian Johnson
  • "A closed mind can be the most expensive thing we can own and being open-minded can lead to solutions." - Brian Johnson
  • "I'm going to take full responsibility for me and I'm going to do whatever is necessary to become who I choose to be." - Brian Johnson

Guest Bio & Links

Brian Johnson specializes in helping you get back on track and achieve your goals, but as he puts it "he's a real person who loves cupcakes and pizza"

Brian knows what it’s like to put on 60 pounds on 3 different occasions, and the struggle to take it off!

He knows all about drowning life’s pain and emotions with cupcakes and pizza. As an emotional eater, he can relate to those moments when nothing but the things you "shouldn’t" eat seem like just the thing to make you feel better.

Brian has 35 years of education, experience and earned wisdom that he uses to help you make better choices to balance your life and get you back up to thriving! We are human, and none of us are perfect all the time.

This is his approach: You require being armed with the right knowledge and accountability that helps you gain the
right focus. It’s not about ‘Transformation’, while this is nice it can be really daunting. Brian prefers ‘Simple 1 Degree Shifts’ that anyone, or any business can use immediately to shift focus. He gives you the tools, daily accountability and support you require to help you transition into behaviors that will get you where you desire to be.

Over the years Brian has invested over 100,000 hours in his education & experience and served over 100,000 people. He's worked directly with both doctors and chiropractors assisting with the post-surgery rehabilitation process for spinal fusions, prosthetic limbs and joints.

Brian's true passion is public speaking and working with people’s lifestyles, language and their
nutrition with a very unique health coaching skill set through utilizing the understanding of food based healing and symptom reversal in conjunction with understanding the power of our words through conscious language and sacred body language.

Brian says, "The experience of working with this amount of people has allowed me to be an amazing blessing to people and I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve in the area I am graced to be in! In conjunction to these areas I focus on all these aspects of life. My holistic approach allows for amazing lifestyle transformation for those that are ready and desire to be their best."

Brian also says that "all that may sound really impressive, but the proof is in the pudding (or cupcakes and pizza). We all have pitfalls, but my Rapid Results programs arm my clients with the right knowledge, accountability and the tools to work smart, gain clarity, create fulfillment and maximize their time while achieving their goals."

Read Transcript

Stephen Box: [00:00:00] Hey guys. Welcome to the Unshakable Habits podcast. I am your host Stephen Box, and this week we're going to be talking about weight loss, but we're going to go beyond just diet because my guest, Brian Johnson, had a story that I think a lot of you guys are gonna be able to relate to where he lost a lot of weight, but he did it by relying on willpower, relying on strict diets, white knuckling his way through it, and then he ended up putting the weight back on. And then he ended up having to go through the whole process again, but he took a different approach and he's been able to keep the weight off.

So we're gonna talk a little bit about that. And we're also gonna talk a lot about emotions and how those are action blueprints and how we can learn to listen to our body to be able to get better results. And Brian has some really interesting insights he shares in the interview that you are not going to want to miss.

Now real quick before I get into the [00:01:00] interview, I did want to let you guys know, quick update. This will be the last Tuesday release of the Unshakable Habits Podcast. I've got a lot of feedback from people that you would like the episode to come out a little later in the week because you kind of forget about it when it's released on Tuesday because you're not listening to it until the weekend anyways.

So going forward, I'm gonna start releasing these on Fridays, and that way they're available for your commute home on Fridays. They're available for you all weekend. And then of course you can catch it any time. And of course, the best ways to make sure you always get notified that is to follow or subscribe on your favorite podcast app.

It costs you absolutely nothing to subscribe to the podcast. So I would definitely appreciate if you do that. So with that, let's kick this intro off and then jump into our interview with Brian Johnson.

Podcast Intro: Are you ready to break free from your old habits and create a better life for yourself and those around you? If so, welcome to Unshakable Habits, the podcast [00:02:00] dedicated to helping men be better husbands, fathers, and leaders by prioritizing their physical and mental wellbeing. Each week we'll look at health from a 360 degree perspective with inspiring stories and practical strategies for building Unshakable habits that'll transform your life.

Join Stephen Box, a board certified health and wellness coach, and let's change the world together one habit at a time.

Stephen Box: Allow me to introduce you all to, Mr. Brian Johnson.

Brian Johnson: Hey, grand rising from Austin, Texas. That's funny. I'll say gals too. If there's any ladies listening to this, they'll still be useful information for you. Yeah, let's

Stephen Box: dive in, man.

Start us off, man. Tell, tell us a little bit about, like, before you ever went through any of this journey, right before you ever lost your first pound. [00:03:00] What, what was life like for,

Brian Johnson: for you? Yeah. I'll give you a little snapshot, right. So, I'm 45 currently. I started lifting weights and doing the whole working out thing when I was seven.

And largely in part because I got picked on by my older brother and people in my neighborhood. And I decided that maybe it's a good idea to get bigger. So I wasn't such a target. So, That's what I sought out for is saving my life in a sense of fear and survival. So I started watching Arnold Schwartzenegger, vet, VHS tapes and licking in magazines and just consuming information to figure out what I needed to do for me to get bigger.

Yeah, so much of my life was around body building and just making my body do different things and I always had a knack for it. I always had an interest and a passion for it, and I was doing it whether people were doing it or not. It's just what I, this was my thing, right? I just, that's where I could sink myself into and get value out of it.

So weight lifting is always a big deal for me. I tell people, look between God and lift weights. That's [00:04:00] what saved my life. because I did not have those habits and things in there. There's no way in heaven I would be at this point cuz I've almost killed myself 12 times. done eight months in jail, done crazy amounts of drones.

Like the fact that I'm even alive is. I did, I ran outta luck a long time ago. Let's just put it that, okay, I know why I'm here is to do what I'm doing, which is help high level performers and people who are committed to thriving and who are willing to take radical responsibility for their health and for themselves.

What I do is come in and take all those piece puzzle and put 'em together, right? Yeah. So fast forward now, I've always, I've been 2 53 different times and I say three different times. Me and Stephen talked about this three different times because I didn't change who I was being the first two times.

Okay? And this is, I think where a lot of people get stuck because look, let's just be honest, we're not taught about three things, and I can speak clearly here because I'm not being censored social media stuff. So I'm just gonna tell you, I'm gonna be Brian Zando, to be frank, right? There's three things we're not talking about, food, feelings [00:05:00] and finances.

For a reason because all three of those things are how people are controlled. So if you're literally interact and thriving and getting out system and being able to take control of yourself fully, you need to master those three areas, right? Because those are the areas where it created the most pain for people.

Because the information we have is false. We've gonna lie to you for a long time. If you don't take yourself out of that system of information and get yourself into what I call common sense, it's not gonna make sense, right? So over the years, I have honed my skills and invested all my time, money, resources back into myself to be able to be Brian on the spot cuz I'm not Johnny, and being able to solve problems for people to help them thrive.

So my gifts are being able to help people get clear within seconds on where they're out of alignment and helping them to clean it up and then have validation that what they did just worked. So a lot of what I do is body language, teaching people itches and scratches. And we'll talk more about my chart here in a moment and I'll give it to you for free.

That way you have it in the kids. Here's the key. If I were [00:06:00] to distill everything that we're gonna talk about about my Canadians, Canadian, if we're gonna talk about dis distill it all down, self-love is number one. Conscious tools is number two, meaning you need to be aware consciously of what your body is trying to tell you.

Okay? Yeah. And look, most, most people have no idea this is going on. I had no idea this was going on. And I'm gonna share your story sincere, real quick cuz this will be a good conversation to open it up. Right? So the first time I ever found out I had a death wish, I was in class with my coach in Austin, Texas, and we were doing a body language class and we're all sitting in a circle, right?

My coach is in front, we'll say you were my coach. There was a lady sitting next to me on my left in a chair, right? Everybody sitting down. So I have my left arm on the back of the chair and they're talking and we're just listening. While they're talking, man, I'm digging and I'm not talking just a little bit.

I'm talking [00:07:00] like Weps. I'm like, I'm not a rocket scientist at this stuff. I know southern's up. My body's trying to tell me something and I'm just gonna have to do my best to lush up the courage to go ask the ninja what's up? Yeah. So I'm, unless you're up the courage to walk over on recess. And I was like, Hey, Bob, my coach, what does such and such and such suck me?

Four words outta my mouth. Brad, how long have you had a death wish? What? I'm not even mad. That's the fact I knew he was telling me the truth. Cuz in that moment I had about 12 experiences, the weirdest experience flash in my mind. Mm-hmm. All at one time. Not I saw them all. Bam. One shot. And I'm like, wow, that's the first that's ever happened.

He's telling me the truth. Mm-hmm. Listen to this, this is where it gets ii the word eerily, but let's just say amazingly accurate. Okay? Language is a [00:08:00] hundred percent literal. So here's what I said. Listen, this is, you're gonna hear me say different things in different ways. It's because of what we call conscious language.

Meaning if you're interested in upgrading your life or downgrading in the fastest way is by the words coming out of our mouth. Yeah. Period. Our language is screwed. And remind me brother, we'll talk a little bit more, but just stay on this task cuz I can get a little interesting start scratching. Right.

Here's what happened. I sit, I doll want to be scratching my arm like this. I don't want to be on planet Earth is what the code represents to the skilled listener. Okay. When I had this happen, that was it for me. I was like, I'm, I'm in for life. I don't care what it costs. I'll be a student for life because I have invested probably close to 200,000 hours of my education.

Not, not one of these. Like I love what I do. I've always done it. I always gonna do it, [00:09:00] and I'll always invest time in my skillsets to solve problems for people like yourself who are stuck. People who come to me, been in therapy for 30 or 40 years, get really upset with me, and so I solve their problem in about a minute.

What I'm gonna show you how to do, it's not difficult. Matter of fact, it's third grader. That's why I think people have such an issue with believing, right? Dude, we just clean up everything. I've been sitting there talking about for 30 or 40 years. Yeah, we did. And we didn't even talk about it. We just got there.

What emotion was active? And I'll show you with my chart because your body's talking to you all day long and at night every time we're scratching or itching or we have a rash or a broken bone, or we have a scratch. Anything that shows up on your body other than harmony is an information and a data point on what's up emotionally.

Yeah. Where I is. Help people to connect the dots and then make a new change linguistically, and then voila, the thing goes away. Look, [00:10:00] I've seen it happen war time and I've never seen it not work. So when I go into a conversation, I'm expecting it to happen because it how often it happens when you hear my dog sneeze.

Let's talk about coincidental factors, because as we're talking about stuff and as you go about your day, you're doing your genius thing when you're on coy. You're gonna have a coincidental factor. Something in your environment is gonna come up. A cardinal will fly by a hop. Someone will sneeze someone who's not related to you at all.

You will hear it. Pay attention. There are signs and signals everywhere to the skilled watcher and to the person who has an observer on deck, who can pay attention to who they're being. And watch the codes externally, because it's gonna validate who you are. Be all right. What questions you got on now?

Let's go from there. So, so let's,

Stephen Box: let's actually back up here for just a second. So, I, I think for a lot of people, kind of helping them to understand why this is so important and where this is so valuable, it, it's helpful to [00:11:00] kind of take them back to where they probably are right now, right? Mm-hmm. wanting, wanting to get healthy and being completely unaware.

Any of this exist. So, so kind of take us back to, you know, one of those times where you were two 50, you, you lost weight, but you, before you knew all this stuff, like when you were just trying to do it the, the old school way. Yeah. Like talk, talk us kind of through that and maybe as you're sharing that story kind of reflect back in hindsight to say, this is now where I realized that that was a mistake.

Brian Johnson: So let's go through two cycles. Okay. So if you can see this or, so I'll give you these pictures, but if you can see that there's a two 50 to a stage experience, right there, I'll show it to you. You can text message me, I'll give you this. But the idea is the visual difference between two 50 and being on stage is vastly different.

So I'd love to walk you through this. So the first time I ever went from two 50 [00:12:00] down to one 90 ish was when I was in college. I was 21, 22. I was miserable. Not from life, from ketogenic diet. Okay. I did the ketogenic diet, which was means no carbohydrates. I don't recommend what I'm telling you to tell you.

Share this with you so you have some perspectives. I was working out for an hour a day doing 2 45 minutes stents of cardio in fasted on the morning, and then we will work out and then do another 45 at night, no carbs for a week. I didn't even want to be around me. My friends didn't want to be around me.

I couldn't remember my name from my ass. I literally was taking vitals. I would raid question number one for 45 minutes. I got two words into it, and I have to start over. That's how fried my brain was. I had dropped all my glycogen. Yeah, I was lean, but I sh. What's the point, [00:13:00] huh? Yeah, I couldn't function, I didn't wanna be around humans.

I was not even good for myself. Yeah. I did it. I willed myself into it, but guess what? I didn't do any of the work that got


Brian Johnson: to that place in the first place to clean up my identity. Right,

Stephen Box: right.

Brian Johnson: I did I identity. Interesting. Right, so there are belief systems and codes and default programmings that most of the time people never question because they've just taken 'em along with their mom, their dad, and this is what body language is so valuable, cuz body language, I could understand exactly in seconds if I have something active.

Yeah. Couple pieces. Or if you have tension in your throat, that's where sorrow or sadness shows up in real time. If you have tension in your, and this is my chart. I'll give you my chart. You can use my text message number. Stephen will leave the information, and by my chart. The purpose of it is when you're out of alignment, this is what you do.

You need to get clear on exactly where you're out of alignment. About what your body's telling you. Yeah, not what you're [00:14:00] thinking. Often, most of the time they're not the same. Okay. Your body's a genius, your conscious mind, 7%, 93% subconscious. So body language allows us to access that data, make a new choice, and then the body will respond instantly if it goes away.

Okay? So two 50, right? I got in amazing shape and hated my life. Everyone hated me and I hated getting around everyone. So I knew that wasn't gonna work. So I ended up getting back outta shape again. It's like, screw this. Soon as I, we would put on every Sunday, we would have carbs all day long. That was a load day.

But a lot of times when you have a lot of stuff left over, like Boxees of Twinkies, I got funny stories. We'll tell bosses of Twinkies and stuff because of our carve. You would just eat then we would have a little bit leftover during the week. We were supposed to not eat it on Monday. Yeah. Wednesday rolls around seeing these bots of Twinkies on top of my refrigerator.

I'm like, man, I want those Twinkies. I walked around with those tweaky in my pocket. Oh, [00:15:00] just walking around the house. Come on, man. My my roommate fat boy. Don't do it. Yeah. I hate 'em all. What of the matter is this? I love red velt cakes and pizza and there's the way to hack them all. Yeah. And doing a ketogenic diet is not gonna serve me.

Now I will show you this. Serving over a hundred thousand people has left me with some interesting data to make intelligent decisions based off facts and experience. Okay? Mm-hmm. I will tell you this, doing the ketogenic principle where you have healthy fats and healthy proteins can serve a very good purpose.

Just green fats and proteins I don't think is wise idea. I subscribe to balance. I like Mars. I like proteins, and I like fats because here's the thing, they've been demonized depending upon which school of thought you'd follow, but I advice you consider is like why would they all be here if we didn't need them on some level?

Yeah. Question is what do you need for your body? Everyone's different. That's why I use genetics. I have genetic [00:16:00] multis and stuff like that too, so there's definitely things that we can tweak. I, when I'm working with clients, I track to butcher and they track to blood sugar and AVI that daily and they give that data so we can see exactly what's going on.

That way we're not to guess about any of it. Right. You need to have, you need to have data that you could use to track and to confirm or re whether your lifestyle, your behaviors, and your habits are supportive of what your outcome is and now True. That makes sense. Right. I'd have done this one time.

You'll know why in a moment. I busted my ass for a month and I didn't measure anything for a month doing all mycardial, eating all my food. A month later I checked my stuff, all of those backwards after I pulled on the hair out for a moment and decided that was the last song that would ever happen again.

So that's why I tracked daily every two days for me at 45. I'm in better shape now than it was when I did my show at 30. I just cracked like 192 pounds this morning at 4.8% body fat, and it's not one of these, I've just been dialing it [00:17:00] out. Yeah, I don't do crazy stuff. I do weights once, twice a week. I do yoga three days a week.

Most of the time I don't eat. Here's the thing, when I do eat, I understand what to eat and I also know that there's a l a day or two a week generally, where I have to have more carbohydrates to reload my body back up, or my body fat and my weight goes up eating less. What. This is what people don't get.

They think, well, I'm not eating much. I'm losing weight. Like, okay, what kind of weight are you losing? I'm like, what are you talking about? Like what are you talking about? You got a muscle, water and fat. If you don't know that and you're don't tracking it, you don't know, don't go by the scale. It's inaccurate information.

When you text message me and get your chart, I'll give you the little links that I use and I have a, I have my clients get a scale. It's like 30 bucks if it was just your phone. So it's easy to do, right? So that was cycle number one. 20, okay. Bam. Ended up getting back outta shape 25, 26, straight up. Just [00:18:00] came outta jail on that picture right there on 25, 26.

and I went in, I went in jail in shape and came out looking like freaking steak. Barf mush, mushroom lament. I was so fat. I'll remember writing letters laying on my stomach and my ass was jiggling. Here's what I'll tell you. I personally would not do any working out stuff while I was in there because the food was terrible.

I would teach other people how to work out, but all I'd do was read my Bible in scriptures and completely renew my mind. Okay? That's all I did for eight months. Got out, got back in shape, and it, here's the thing, okay? When I got outta shade, it took me, if you could see this picture, that's the day I got outta jail.

That's the day I didn't show when I was 30 over here. It took me a year to get there. Now check this out. It took me six months to figure out how to get my body to even respond. That's how long and how out sync I was with my nutrition, my lifestyle, my working out to figure those pieces out. Mm-hmm. Once I figured [00:19:00] out the combination, then I could move forward.

The problem is a lot of times people don't know the combination. They don't know the fundamentals, they don't know the foundations of how to build a master plan because they're trying to do all the ninja tricks with no foundation. Mm-hmm. I am a master of the basics. Tracking body fat, tracking blood sugar in our book, think Great and Lose Weight air.

Water, food, sleep, consciousness, mindset. Mm-hmm. Don't with the things to mash, and we'll talk about it. So as I got outta jail, I got back into shape. When I did my show cycle number two, I was eating six mills a day, seven days a week, 10 ounces of fish at a time, three or 400 grams of carbohydrates two days before my show.

Way too much. Okay. Three hours a day at the gym. Like I had no life other than what I was doing. Yeah. Now 45. Okay. I'm in better shape now than I was when I did my show at 30. What's different? [00:20:00] A lot. I do yoga. I didn't do yoga at all. Then I fast means I don't have breakfast, but maybe once or twice a week maybe.

Generally speaking, I won't eat until at least 12 or sometimes six or seven o'clock at night. Harold, I track blood, I track blood sugar and body fat, so I can see what's going on underneath the hood. So it allows me to make more intelligent decisions. Okay. Yeah. So now at 45, what the biggest difference between those two?

To recap your question is I finally figured out that I needed to change how I saw myself unconsciously. Yeah. That's the hard part. Like how can I see what's unconscious? Mm-hmm. What's body language? Getting clear on your, some people call it shadow work, getting clear on what your triggers are. Mm-hmm. And then happen to courage.

And the resiliency to go back in and start using your body language tools to track exactly what emotion is [00:21:00] connected to the thing or to the person or to the experience. Check this out and then we'll go to the next question. Think about a person in your past that you've had an issue with or challenge.

Could be your mom. Could be your wife, anybody. Just pick one. When you pull 'em up, track your body, and when you get my chore, here's what you'll notice. For those of you watching this, those little circles, like over here in your throat, that's where sorrow and sadness shows up. Mm-hmm. Fear shows up in your chest like a tightness.

Grief shows up in your solar plexus. Mm-hmm. Fear will show up in your stomach like you're hungry, even though you already ate. Mm-hmm. And then you have below your belly button, subconscious grief. And then on your back is anger. Could be on your neck, could be on your spine, your kidneys, anywhere on your back.

Your first step is, okay, I got some anger or a bird. Same thing. Okay? The idea is this. Whenever you have something going on, your body already notes and it's going to tell you instantly if you have the [00:22:00] eyeballs to catch it. And when you catch it and you use the tool, like this is my, my average chart. It's a formula I created and I'll dis share with you.

A is awareness. We're scanning our body, getting clear on what emotion is active, connected to the person and the experience. B is breathe, where am I breathing from? And this is gold because look, if you're breathing from your chest all day long, that's gonna tell you instantly you're in fight or flight or freeze.

Yeah. Not good to stay there because that means what you're magnetizing is more people who are gonna create more fear. Circumstances, situations, and events that are gonna bring more fear because that's who you're being. Life doesn't give us what we want. Life gives us who we are. B, most people don't have any idea these things are going off, so they don't even know why these things are showing up because these things are active in their vehicle.

They just are unconscious. Okay. So awareness, [00:23:00] breathe, push your breathing down to your stomach. That will help you tremendously to get out. Ah, it's a okay, awareness. Three, two Rs release, Recode, and then appreciate and aligned action. And I'll walk into if you choose to, but that's how I remember it and that's how I teach my students and class to do it, is to be able to get clear on exactly what is going on specifically so you can change it shipment.

All right. What question do you got on that one?

Stephen Box: So I'm gonna actually rephrase this and, and then I'm, you know, allow you to kind of, you know, expand upon this as you, as you want. But what, what I'm kind of hearing there and what was going through my mind as you were saying that is there might be some guys out there right now listening to this and they might be thinking, okay, this all sounds great, you know, but my real problem is that I just can't stay disciplined.

Right. I just, I, I fall off a [00:24:00] and what I want, if you're, if you're somebody out there that's hearing that, what I don't want you to miss I is, what Brian is really trying to tell you here is that if all you're trying to do is look for the tactic to get to the end result, right, you're missing the whole point because the reason you keep sabotaging yourself, the reason you can't stay committed, the reason you keep falling off isn't because you lack willpower.

It's because literally your body is holding onto emotions that you are completely unaware of that are even there. Yeah.

Brian Johnson: I agree. Identity, you know? Yeah. And I understand too that a lots of people are like, well bro, I need to be motivated. I'm like, look, let's just throw that motivation around with the window.

It ain't about motivation, it's about your habits. Mm-hmm. And if you're not disciplined, it's cuz your habits, you're not disciplined cuz you don't have accountability if you're not disciplined cuz you don't love yourself. Cuz when you love yourself, you're gonna do the stuff you don't wanna do cuz you know that's what you [00:25:00] need to do.

Yo, that's where the rubber hits a road. Most people ain't interested in doing that. That's why most people look the way they do. And that's why most people experience the life day experience cuz they ain't willing to do that. Right. It takes a very special person to say, you know what, I'm gonna take four responsibility for me and I'm gonna do whatever's necessary to become who I choose to be.

And my body is gonna be a reflection of what I'm believing internally. Because that's the truth. Whatever you have going on and how your body is showing up, it's however you have going on here. As you clean this stuff up and get rid of the things you're holding onto you, you're way. We'll also start to peel off because your genetic expression is cleaner.

It's a higher version of yourself, so you don't need those thanks cook's, not you. Yep. So forgiveness. Here, I'll just tell you. You ready? I'm gonna give you the secret. Let's do it. Just look, when I was, when I, I'm tell you this. Okay. After I did my show at 30 and won a first place trophy, listen to this, it took me [00:26:00] 13 years legitimately to get back to that shape and better.

Mm-hmm. Without being on stage. Just a stage of life is what my interest is. Okay. 13 years. Okay. I quit a million times. Here's the key. I recommitted 1,000,001, right? Because look, Success often is not a straight line, right? You got to want to forgive yourself. You need to have conscious tools to navigate yourself back into your game because look, life's gonna hit you with a sandwich.

We already know that, right? You gotta be able to get clear on, okay, I give myself permission and forgive myself, and I recommit to my nutritional program. I give myself permission to forgive myself. I recom to my health and wellness program, or my relationship, whatever. Immediately when you're out of alignment, I give myself permission to forgive myself.

Because look, if you're out of alignment with your body and you're like, body, I don't like, [00:27:00] you think your body's gonna help you out. No. If you're not loving and appreciate why the heavens isn't gonna help you out, it's not. So, if you're in conflict and if you had issues going on, guess what? You got conflict.

If you have pain and issues and you've got things going on, you have conflict. It's better to be open minded to the idea, cuz I'll help you solve it in seconds. But if you're not, not even open-minded to it. I tell people right now, what's the most expensive thing you think you could ever own?

I see it Steve got,

Stephen Box: I thought you was

Brian Johnson: just gonna tell us. I way to see it. It's a closed mind, yo. Right? That's where our book is called Think Gray, lose Weight. Because if people don't get, is thinking is where it all starts. Language is what creates thoughts. So as you ship linguistics into higher vibrational words, your thinking is also gonna change cuz your frequencies change.[00:28:00]

Does that make sense? Yeah.

Stephen Box: as a matter of fact, I'll, I'll give a, a quick example of, of something I've actually used with clients over the years is, you know, lots of people say they don't like water, right? It's, for whatever reason, water is like a really tough one for a lot of people to, to conquer. And one of the first things I have people do is I, I go look, Let's change your language.

Every time that you start to catch yourself saying you don't like water, I just want you to go, I love water. Yeah. Good. Didn't even matter if you believe it right now, just say it. And within like a couple of weeks, they're like, dude, this is so crazy. I'm drinking water

Brian Johnson: now. Yeah. So add this to your understanding cuz you're That's genius.

Check this out. So, you know, no matter what someone comes to me for, I don't care what it is, I always go emotional filters first. Okay. Right. When someone has dehydrated or they don't wanna drink water, that means they don't wanna feel. Mm-hmm. When someone starts [00:29:00] drinking water, it brings feeling or life into their body.

So they start feeling, so, I love water and I love what I feel. That's your new tweak. Because that way they will start drinking more water. And look dude, you already know this. Air is the first thing. We're gonna die without water's. Number two, I personally believe that water is absolutely astronomically important.

Okay? I have a, I had a, I have two Kagan machines. My first one I got back in 2010. I had a $400 car when I had a $4,000 water machine. Thinking about that, now I got another one because I could tell you that the hydration, I, I haven't found anything that's better hydrating than my water machine. Look, you need to find out for yourself.

You need some information. Just text me. I'll give you my number, and you can, I'll always do a free call with my community to help 'em out. But look, invest your wealth and your money in good water. It's going to be important because it makes an [00:30:00] astronomical difference in you to go without food. I'm working on going on no food.

Ideally with the way everything's going, I'm conditioning myself to just drink more water and just eat a lot less food. A lot of times too fruits, depending upon where your blood sugar and body fat levels are, fruits are very hydrating. H 3 0 2, which is restructured water, which is what fuels and hydrates legitimately our body.

A lot of conversation on H H2O is not that. So you need some things to be able to tweak that There's a lot of new information coming out. Just be open mind, the idea that not all waters are created equal. If you choose to, I'll tell you my water story and give you some examples that you have some understanding, but, it's, it's a big deal.

Yeah. Yeah.

Stephen Box: I mean, I love the fact that, you know, we, we go back to this idea here of it's all about what you're feeling. Mm-hmm. But not just what you're feeling, but what you're not realizing that you're feeling. Right. Yeah. And I think this is where so many people get [00:31:00] stuck. Is, there's the stories that we tell ourself.

We, you know, think, oh, I don't like this, and everything is about those conscious thoughts, and that's where we get stuck. That's what we're trying to change. And you kind of illustrated through your story of you did that and, and yeah, you know what? You technically got the result, right? You got in great shape, good enough shape to go win a, a body building contest.

So obviously, and you know it worked for you, but you were miserable, you hated yourself. Everybody around is you, hated you, right? And you haven't asked yourself, is that really the life that you want? I mean, listen, if you want to have single digit body fat and be hated by everybody, then certainly follow that advice, right?

Well, that's

Brian Johnson: two ways you can get single digits and be, and be absolutely in love with yourself and love life. And that's what I've figured out now, but, and it's taking me along, banging my head process to figure it out. But there are some [00:32:00] shortcuts and there are some fundamentals that are sound across all human beings that you can use to make some intelligent decisions and on a daily basis.

So it's not a diet, it's just a lifestyle, right? Yeah. It's another standing of how to take the foods that are out there and have some information you can make intelligent decisions and incorporate that into your lifestyle. That's what I do with my high performing clans.


Brian Johnson: it's, it's simple. Not necessarily easy, because look, mm-hmm.

Getting in shape. Listen to this. Getting in shape is an inside out job. Don't let anybody tell you any different. You're only where you are because of who you are. And if you don't change who you're being, it don't matter what you're gonna change by your food, cuz your food genetically speaking, your body's still gonna respond the same way regardless of what you're putting in because that's what you believe.

Yep. Okay. So, and here I'm gonna, let's you mind if I share this with you, Steve, cuz this will be a great tool that'll help you get back in the game because where I believe we're at right now, correct me if we're at, if we're opera, I think the best thing to help me right now is for me to take you through exactly [00:33:00] what I do when something's up come so I can get clearer at it.

So I can get outta the world of theories and opinions. Right? I can learn my bond to say, oh, okay, I've got tightness here and here. Mm-hmm I'm gonna walk you through how to use my chart and I'm gonna walk you through how to use my app or formula and I'm going to use fear. As our demo, because that's pretty common.

Stephen Box: Okay.

Brian Johnson: Okay, cool. Good. Let's do it. So check it out. So here's what happens. Just me being me, I'm just gonna talk out loud, right? So let's say I'm cruising down the road today and all of a sudden, bam, my state changes, or I think about a thing and I automatically notice my state changes. Mm-hmm. When I'm not enthusiastic, I'm not at peace and I'm not having fun.

I stop what I'm doing and fix it. Because here's the thing, life doesn't give us what we want. Life gives us who we are. Meaning if I have feelings going on that our enthusiasm and love and joy and Harvey and all that, that means it's less than that. [00:34:00] And that means that's what I'm put in, you know? So that's what's gonna come back.

Okay. And if I don't know that, I don't know that. Okay, so when you use my chart, you can track instantly what's going on. So I'm cruising down the road. I realize, okay, I'm out of state. Sums up. So I say to myself, I give myself permission. My head said Yes, that's important. I'll explain in a second. I give myself permission to feel my feelings and it's okay.

Okay. Down? Yes. Okay. Question mark. No. Okay. Means, oh, okay. I give myself permission to feel my feelings. Okay. It's like not so much. Okay. That's a core, because when you're doing this stuff, your internet is gonna come out, but if you don't have the year to track it, you're not gonna catch it. This is what I do.

It's help people listen to those shifts as we're recoding information and their body's shifting on the spot. Linguistically, I will know and help them to get clear. On whether it was [00:35:00] congruent, taken, or whether it was throwing it out. And I'll give you some examples. Okay? So I give myself permission to feel my feelings and it's okay.

Now listen to this. If you are someone who has not ever done this, you need to be open-minded and I will help you with this. I'll you a free call with you, but you need to understand something, right? You would not be hearing me if you weren't connected and God wasn't happy on you on the journey, I assure you it just ain't gonna happen.

So with that being said, you need to understand as you make that call, I give myself permission to feel my feelings and it's okay. And my head says yes. Pay attention. Does your head say yes or does your head say No? It's gonna happen quick, and it's gonna happen before you get the full statement out because your subconscious knows, pay attention.

If it does, no, call me. I'll help you fix it. That just means that you have a no toward yourself. And can we agree? It's a good idea to know that, right? What I'm showing you how to do is as you're having conversations with yourself, your body's gonna confirm it or [00:36:00] not, but if you don't know it, you're gonna go on thinking you're doing amazing things.

The whole time your body's like, no, no, thank you, huh? That way I can address it and change it. Now I get a yes. I'm like, yes. And now I can move forward congruently accurately and authentically. Okay? Right. So Abra awareness, we scan our body. Fear is gonna show up in one of two places. First place is in your chest, and when you get my chart, which use my text message number, just comments, word in chart, I'll leave it in the show notes.

When you get my chart, it'll have this broken down for you. This thing. Okay. The fear's gonna show up right here on your chest. Matter of fact, many of you on here right now probably have some of this active. You just don't even know that's what it is. And maybe he got used to it as a way of meaning. Okay.

I've gotta help you dial that in to where we clean that out instantly today, right now. Okay. I'll show it to you. Right. So we have Titus in the chest. That's where fear shows up when it's present, right? Second place shows up in your stomach like you're hungry [00:37:00] even though you already ate. Mm-hmm. That's also why I've been 2 53 different times.

I used to eat a lot. When I would go out to public events, I had a lot of social anxiety, but I didn't know I would eat a lot. And I like D, you've already had like two entrees. I can't possibly be hungry. Fear. Yep. I have no idea that, okay. Yep. So when you find yourself mindlessly snacking mm-hmm. Fear anxiety is fear.

Anxiety. Get rid of the word anxiety. Just start calling it fear cuz that's what it is. Anxiety's a mental state. Fear is an emotion that we can change. We get rid of fear. Anxiety is gonna go good. Anxiousness, same thing. It's a, it's a psychology thing. I'm talking about feelings. When we resolve a feeling, the thing doesn't need to be here.

Yeah. Okay, so fear, let's just say for right now, for our purposes, fear's gonna show up right here in our chest. Here's what happened. Ara awareness. We scan, we got clear, we're out of alignment. We got clear. We have tightness in our chest. We say, I give myself permission to feel my [00:38:00] feelings and it's okay.

That's the door opener, right? As that happens, the open mind to the idea of experience is coming up. They're coming up because we gave ourself permission and they're coming up because that's what needs to be shifted. This is what I do. Okay. So just be aware of it, be loving. I give myself permission to surrender is useful.

Yeah. Okay. So I give myself permission to feel my feelings and it's okay. I use that. 10 times, 20 times a day. Anytime, son, I give myself permission to feel my feeling. It's okay. I'm talking to my three-year-old constantly and my higher self to make sure that everything is whole. W H o l E. That's the state I engage daily, whole wholeness, needing nothing, wanting nothing, being grateful for all.

When I'm in that state, everything happens by itself. Grace, and action and ease is what I, is what I choose. And my head says yes, that's important. [00:39:00] Okay, so we have awareness. Breathe. If you're breathing from your chest, that means you're in fight or flight or freeze. That's okay. I give myself permission to feel my feelings and it's okay.

Push your breathing down to your stomach. If you walk away with nothing and you just do that, that's dude. Look, choose this day whom you shall serve. Fear or faith. Doesn't get any more cut and dry than that. I didn't. Right. I'm just following walls. Okay, so awareness. Breathe first. R is release. I give myself permission to feel my fear and it's okay.

Or yeah, I give myself permission to feel my so or my sadness and it's okay. Or I give myself permission to throw my grief and it's okay. Or yeah, I give myself permission. You feel my anger and it's okay. All the baseline emotions are on my chart. That's all you need to be successful. Third grader stuff, watch.

I'm gonna show you how fast it goes away, okay? You have ti. So we have awareness. [00:40:00] Stan breathe. Tracked our breathing release. I give myself permission to feel my fear and it's okay. Okay? Okay. Is a question mark, not a statement. Got it important because if you're doing this with yourself, you need to track it.

So we have awareness. Brief release. Here comes the recode. Scripture says, let the weak man weep, woman say, strong. Our greatest weakness is our greatest strength, power of life and death exists. The tongues, the few. the other one is perfect love casted thou fear. I'm not a religious person. I'm a highly spiritual person.

Here's the law. Access perfect love cast without fear. So what I'm hearing is if I can love my fear into my courage and my faith, totality of both of those laws, what happens? It goes away. Okay? So I choose to love my fear into my courage and my faith instantly. If I have said it appropriately and [00:41:00] my body is in agreement with it, gone or gone, state changed, breath change, you might have a


Brian Johnson: or an itch, which will confirm that your body's like, yeah, moving forward.

But that's a facet habit. That's the recode. The last a is just appreciation and aligned. Act appreciation is just like, man, I'm grateful for this. I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful for blah, blah, blah. All I'm doing is I'm escalating my emotional stake back up to enthusiasm and gratitude. From there, then I take aligned action from that state of not needing or want, but what's my inspired action?

That's your genius. You can function in enthusiasm. That's your game. All right?

Stephen Box: Yeah, and I love, so I love this idea, right, of just kind of piecing together a lot of the, the things that you've talked about here, right? Is first of all, we have things that are blocking us, things that we're holding onto, things that we're not aware of.

Yes. And and it's not until we start to pay attention to our body that [00:42:00] we recognize these things, that we can let them go, right? That we can, that we can acknowledge them. And it's not until we accept them and we give ourself permission, which for a lot of guys, the idea of feeling our feelings, acknowledging that we have feelings, admitting that we have emotions is extremely difficult, right?

So, so that's the first step for a lot of us, right? Is just acknowledging that they're there and giving yourself permission to have them and then letting them go, right? Because until you do that, you're going to struggle

Brian Johnson: with consistency. Yep. And here's the thing. Let me add this. So letting go, I find it as not necessarily as successful as transmuting.

Okay? Yeah. First, law of thermodynamics and energy of thought and emotion can either be created nor destroyed. So letting it go means still there. I just might not be mentally holding onto it, but that does not mean that that emotion is not still present on my body. [00:43:00] This is why I always go back to my body.

If and when that happens, transmuting is getting clear on the emotion and then flipping it into whatever the higher part, fear, sorrow, sadness, ingredient of my joy, et cetera. And I'll help you with all that stuff. Just giving you a little tweak. Yeah. and

Stephen Box: it sounds very sim similar to a attending I used called reframing.

Right? Where somebody you know says, oh, you know, I have to do this, this, and this and this, and you stop and go, okay, so why do you feel like you have to do all those things? Yeah. And then, you know, they go, because of this, this, and this. So what if we refrain that and said, I choose to do these activities because of whatever.

Right? Now all of a sudden you've taken something that you felt was a negative and you've flipped it into a positive.

Brian Johnson: Yep. I like, I get all that's great. I mean, I get to, I use, I use, I get to a lot with Alarmy dies this morning. I need to, I have to like, oh, I get to, I'm like, [00:44:00] oh. In that case, That line trigger up.


Stephen Box: But but like you said, it's, so much of it is, it's the words that come out of our mouth. Hundred percent. The words literally transform our thoughts.

Brian Johnson: Hundred percent.

Stephen Box: And our thoughts

Brian Johnson: transform our behaviors. Yeah. And our experience. Cuz when you shift your thoughts and your words are shifting your frequency, which changes your radio station.

Yeah. And therefore when you click radio stations, you have a whole different music, people experiences, life, all of it. That's why some people on planet Earth are in freaking hell on earth. I've been there before and some people are on heaven on Earth. How they're on the same freaking earth they could be living in the same house.

Yeah. Different frequencies. Life is not what we think it is. It's very interestingly different. And when we make those tweaks, it happens quick. That's really one of the values too, of understanding that there's no, there's no time, at least from how we've been taught, in my opinion. Everything's happening now.

So as you change it, miracles can happen. Now, matter of fact, that's the only time [00:45:00] they will ever happen, cuz you can't never get outta Now there is no tomorrow. There is no yesterday. When it's tomorrow, it's now, right? Yeah. Think about this. However you're feeling now is how you're gonna feel in the future now.

Yeah. So getting clear on what you're feeling is the first thing that I invite you to start getting clear on because if you're not clear on that, you're going through life unconscious and life is happening to you versus for you. Yeah. And, and

Stephen Box: here's, here's kind of my understanding, and correct me if, if this is, if not correct, but my way of thinking about this is it's a cycle that works in reverse, right?

So, Most of us think the first thing we have to do is take some action. The first thing that you have to actually do is change your words. That changes your thoughts, that changes your behaviors, ak your actions. Then after that happens, those actions, those [00:46:00] behaviors then start to actually change your thoughts.

So, so the, the cycle actually goes back the other direction. But until you let go of all of those emotions, until you've actually taken all the negativity and changed it into positivity, that cycle can't

Brian Johnson: happen. The whole be, do and have is that's really the name of the game. It's like, who am I being like this is a lot of times, and this is a good simple, I'm a fan of simple one degree shifts, okay?

Mm-hmm. Most of the time in my past, everything. All right, what can I do right now? First off, that's frantic, automatic, ah, okay. Instead, who am I being right now? If I'm being at peace and enthusiastic knowing all as well, and I'm whole and everything, take care. All right, now what do I choose to do? I choose to give a surf and, and solve some problems.

All right? Where do I go? Who am I looking for? Where do I need to go? Right? That way you can be aware of what dialogue is going on. And then with a few simple tweaks and a few simple [00:47:00] adjustments, you can legitimately transform your life. That for long, it's just having the right information with the right mindset and the willingness to do it.

So Kevin Trudeau talks about who do you listen to? Mm-hmm. Watch your teachability index, meaning how open-minded are you for zero 10? I'm a 10 12 most of the time. Okay. Yeah. Teachability, index training, ballot skill. How much training do you need to have before you take action? And then he says, unconsciously competent.

But I say subconsciously competent. I'm not interested in being unconscious about anything possible, but if I could be subconsciously competent about skillsets and programming and hardwiring things I'm doing, mm. Great. That way they're functioning for me, even when I'm not conscious of the functioning, like an example, when I'm out public and I'm meeting new people for the first time, I have these little note cards that I have where I have different things on there that I studied, rehearsed throughout the day, and I have things I'm hardwiring for my subconscious.

So when I am in public, my subconscious is already putting me in the proper [00:48:00] positions, body language wise, secrete the best relationship outcome. And then when I clock, it'll be like, oh, let me check my notes. Hi, everything's already there. My body's right there. I'm like, oh, good job. Because I've could, could do that, right?

Yeah, we have, you're a genius. All of you. Just gotta get clear what and believe that you are so you can put the proper information to change your state. I, when I turned 30, I realized everything I taught, everything I thought I knew was just garbage. So I had straight been started over all of it.

Connecticut. Yeah. Conscious language and body language and nutrition as a self, as a high performance person in a coach of it. Keep it simple. Nutrition, you need to understand how to, let's just write water, of course, right? Then you need to understand language and you understand body language. Those three skill sets, I will help you.

That's what I've mastered. And being a student of those are also the things that you're gonna use by the second to rewire your experience.

Stephen Box: Yeah, and, and I'll throw this out there. People may not realize [00:49:00] this, but, and, and I, and I think you'll confirm what I'm about to say. The same things that help you lose weight pack on muscle are also the same things that help you be a better father.

A better husband, a better leader. They help you become financially strong. The only thing that changes is the individual skills that you need to build up for those things. But the actual core concepts of what you need to do are the exact same no matter what area of your life you're trying to improve.

Brian Johnson: Yep. It's all self mastery stuff. I mean, I always find, for me, it's always going in not out, right? Yeah. Because when I can put the information in and I'm willing to do it, that's key. But if you find yourself knowing what to do, but you're not doing it, you don't love yourself, it's not a judgment. It's like, let's just deal with the facts, [00:50:00] right?

Yeah. So we can change it if we deal with the facts. It doesn't take the seconds to clean it up, but if you're lying to yourself every day, that's different. I've been there. I know it's better to be, I don't like the word brutally honest. It's better to be lovingly honest with yourself. Know the truth. And the truth shall set you free.

Very accurate statement in my experience. So just getting clear on your body language truth, because that is your truth. That's what your higher self is communicating to you all day long. Every time you're scratching and itching, that is your higher self animating your vehicle. It's just the wildest thing I've ever experienced in my life personally.

Yeah, it's, it's,

Stephen Box: it's funny man, like I'm sitting here listening to, to a lot of what you're saying and it's things that I've never actually consciously thought about. Right. I've never put it in this framework of what you're introducing, but I can confirm what you're saying because an example for me, I spent 13 years working in retail.

I [00:51:00] basically have undiagnosed pt, s d from it. Right.

Brian Johnson: Okay. Let me show, go ahead.

Stephen Box: Let me, let me let, just share this real fast and I'm gonna let you share that. So one thing that I've noticed for myself is, If I go out in public, and I know there's gonna be a lot of people around, if I just a small simple action, such as intentionally saying hello to someone, just, just greeting someone, changes my entire experience, changes my entire perspective.

Because what I'm doing is I am rewiring my brain to say the people around me are a positive experience, not a negative one. Mm-hmm. And it's like, I never really thought about it in those terms. Like it's something I consciously do and I know that it works, that I never really thought about why. And so like listening to what you're saying is like I'm seeing like I'm rewiring my brain to change the perspective of that [00:52:00] entire situation, and I'm giving myself permission to not be stressed out in that situation.

Yeah. And well, so, so they just confirmation for everything you said.

Brian Johnson: Yeah. So couple things. This will be good for you, right? So when you started talking about the PTs d you hit a three stutter, pop, pop, you don't have a stutter. Problem three is tying this here or your solar places or below your belly butt.

Sorrows, grief or subconscious creep. That's one. A stutter would come out in the first place. We didn't talk about this shit. Anytime you hear a stutter and, and hey, hey. oh, they don't have a stutter problem. It's code. Yeah, two and, and hey, hey, is apathy or. I can't, this is too hard. Yeah. Three. Hey, hey. In hand, sorrow, sadness, or grief.

So when you started mentioning the PTSD thing, there's a high, not even a high probability, I, I found it to not be inaccurate at [00:53:00] all. Ever yet. Right. And here's the crazy thing. I was in yoga class one day. My yoga instructors, Chinese, before climate started, we're sitting here and I was just stretching, getting him a thing over here, and I'm talking Chinese and senator and friend were talking in Chinese.

She started starting pop, pop, pop, pop in Chinese. Mm-hmm. I call him my coach Bob. Hey, is the stutter thing, cross cultural, cross linguistics? He says Yes. What? Crazy. Okay. Yeah. So what people, the only reason why someone would stutter is because they're not feeling what their body is trying to tell them.

Most of the time, not intentionally. Just because it, just to that point, so the whole, I give myself permission to feel my feelings and it's okay. And more specific. I give myself permission to feel my feelings about being in retail for 13 years. That statement will allow something to come up. If you're [00:54:00] feeling it, it's gonna show up.

Yeah. And all we gotta do is clean it up, but Yes. Or all of this stuff. Yep.

Stephen Box: Yeah. So, so, you know, just a little, little confirmation for people that, you know, all this stuff is, is, is accurate, you know, because I, I think sometimes people go, yeah, that all sounds good, man, but you know, I don't know about that.


Brian Johnson: it's a mirror. I mean, really life is a mirror. You're getting more people who are being who you are unconsciously. The faster you can be open-minded to the idea and test it for yourself, the faster you can be a Jedi and a ninja in your own experience in real time of using extracurricular or external data.

Mm-hmm. To figure out what's going on internally. Yeah. Yeah. Very important, very, useful skillset to be able to observe on that level cuz it's gonna help you to move at light speeds. Cuz look, we're not here to suffer, although our entire experience has been set up that way. That's not who we [00:55:00] be. Mm-hmm.

We're here to thrive. We're here to bring our heaven to hers. And we do that by activating ourselves from the inside out to be able to hold that type of light quotient. The only way you're gonna do that is by getting all the traumas and stuff out to allow your vibe to rise. That's why everything has gone chaotic right now.

So if you know anything about solar flares and a lot of juice, Coming through the planet. You can look up the shoeman resonance. The Earth is also blasting off the Earth's alive too. Like it's going through its own ascension experience too. So we're getting smashed in a good way from the sun and the earth.

They're both, see, they're both heating up. So if you notice why chaos, all this stuff, that's cuz all that stuff's being pushed up to be shifted, to be loved, to shredder, all of that. It's an internal job. So if you notice things are chaos right now, that's because your job is to bring it into coherence. And this is what I'm showing you how to do with body language and language in real time.

Cuz look, when I show you this, you're gonna know instantly. Mm-hmm. Whether it worked [00:56:00] or not. We didn't have to wait. We, we ain't gotta wait a month. Like you're gonna know. Cause like, oh wow, my state changed. I feel better. Bam. Yeah. Back to life.

Stephen Box: Yeah. It, it's, it's so crazy some of the things that we'll just like you don't even realize, but you know that, that I think what I would wrap up with here in.

Helping guys to understand this, right? What are you looking for is if you're filling something tightness, you know, not, we're not talking about your sore from your workout, right? We're talking about, you know, actual tightness, actual pain in your body that doesn't have another logical reason for existing, right?

Or your behaviors like you become scratching your arm if you just have repeated things like that, that are constantly happening for you. Or maybe you don't even necessarily feel it in your body, but you see it in the way you react. You know, you snap at [00:57:00] people, you get angry over silly stuff. Little things like that, that is all your body telling you something is wrong, and the framework that Brian is giving you today is gonna help you to start to figure out what that thing is so that you can change it.

Brian Johnson: Silly.

So Brian with that? Yeah. Top to bottom. Once you get it down, I mean, you'll take a minute from trigger to proper acknowledgement to authentication and then validation of resolving it. So yeah, it's amazing. So, so

Stephen Box: with that, for those who want to get the chart, those who maybe want to set up a call with you, what is the best way for them to get ahold of you?

Brian Johnson: Yeah, I'll good. I'll leave you my text message number, but I'll share it to you now so you have it. It's five 12. 6, 4, 8, 5, 4, 4, 0. Just comment chart. Don't put [00:58:00] a period excavation point, comment chart. It'll pull it up. I'll see you when you get back there and I'll say hi to you and welcome your board. And then, and I always do one time free conversation with my community to help 'em get unstuck.

So if you have an interest when you get my chart, just let me know and I'll say hi to you, the welcome you board, make sure you got your resources. But that's really the next step is just going from, wow, this sounds interesting too. How can I actually practice it, test it, get my chart, just start checking in, go back and watch.

I gave you some valuable tools that people pay me a lot of money to resolve. Just go through here and track 'em. Write down a little statement and I'll give you my chart. Yeah, we can track it, but yeah, we'll go from there. Okay? Yeah.

Stephen Box: And, and if somebody is listening to this, they've taken what she said.

They're like, okay, I've, I've thought about it. I've given my permission, myself permission to feel I know what I'm feeling now. Now what do I do with it? Getting the chart from you, sending him a call with you, that will be the next step. Yeah. To help them figure out what to do with that next, right? Yeah.


Brian Johnson: I'm gonna solve it for you for free and show you how it works. [00:59:00] That simple. Awesome.

Stephen Box: Yeah. Awesome, man. Well really appreciate you coming on today. Brian, do you have any final thoughts that you wanna leave people with?

Brian Johnson: Yeah, I'm gonna leave you with two. Number one, this is the most valuable, two of the most valuable statements I've come across.

All my millionaire and billionaire clients. Ask 'em, Hey, what's the number one thing I've ever shared with you that's allowed you to change your state on the spot? It's this. Mm-hmm. I choose to make this fun and easy. It's a direct opposite of I can't, this is too hard, which is apathy. Now look, when people have apathy, it's me, snotty noses, allergies, Hodgkins, lymph, bal, any lymphatic issue that is what is triggered with, I can't, this is too hard canceled.

Especially when it's felt. Okay, I'll give you an example and then I'll tie it up quickly. I was at the gym one morning at 5:00 AM doing the elliptical, and I did not wanna be there the whole time. I'm just bitching and complaining while this is going on, my nose is running off my [01:00:00] face, both nostril. I'm consistently doing this, like what the world is going on.

Finally, I'm like, dude, what is the deal? Shoving my, no, I'm still pedaling. Soon as I have the thought to say, I choose to make this fun, uneasy, I got the eye out in my mind and my nose went done. Yeah, the word becomes, flesh is instant. When you make the adjustment, the body will respond. That's the key.

That's the law. Lastly, my favorite quote, my motto is, if you don't make time for your wellness, You will make time for your illness. So that's all I got. Awesome.

Stephen Box: Well, appreciate it again, man. Thanks, so much for coming on. guys, I would definitely encourage you to reach out to Brian. As you see, he is a wealth of knowledge and information and I know he is going to be able to get you a lot of value.

I wanna just remind everybody before we sign off here, as always, [01:01:00] that none of us are born Unshakable, but all of us have the ability to become unshakable.

Podcast Outro: Thank you for listening to the Unshakable Habits podcast with Coach Stephen Box. Be sure to hand the subscribe button and help us spread the word by sharing the podcast with other men.

If you are ready to create Unshakable habits, you can learn more and connect with us at Unshakable habits.com.

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